
Glossary of Terms for the Course


Glossary of Terms for the Essential Developers Course



DEPENDENCY INJECTION (DI) - The means by which we pass the minimally needed object reference (often some class/struct object with a group of properties/methods or functions, for convenience) into another context. Here are 3 examples of Dependency Injection:

1.  let sut = RemoteFeedLoader(client: client) // Preferred Constuctor Injection (setting the client as part of the construction of a sut)

2.  sut.client = client // Property Injection (setting the client property directly on the sut, perhaps as an alternative when the initializer default is not desired.  Initialization/Constructor Injection is still preferred.)

3.  sut.load(client: client) // Method Injection, setting a parameter on a method (passing the client to the method as it is called)

FeedItem -


HTTPClient -

MEMORY LEAK (preventing) - https://www.essentialdeveloper.com/articles/the-minimum-you-should-do-to-prevent-memory-leaks-in-swift

MOCKING - Replacing any source of input, process or output with a "faked", or "mocked" version which would then facilitate the testing of code or operation of an app without backend or other necessary services.

MVC -> MVVM (refactor) - https://academy.essentialdeveloper.com/courses/1112681/lectures/34676373

RemoteFeedLoader -

SOLID - Acronym for the following:
S - Single responsibility principal, that code should execute performing one responsibility and only one responsibility without artifacts.
O - Open/Close architecture, that code should b open for extensibility, but closed for modification.
L - Liskov Substitution principal, a dependent object should be able to have any other object of the same type or subtype substituted without issue.
I - Interface segregation principle, an interface should not be responsible for methods it does not need to implement.
D - Dependency Inversion Principle, high level components should not depend on low level components, they should depend on what you might call a 3rd party go-between or "abstractions", like an adapter.

SPY - A type that can be rendered in any of several different forms used to collect or set values in a running app for the purpose of testing and/or verifying code.


STUB - Putting known values in place of run-time or computed values whenever run-time/computed values would be unavailable, timeconsuming to obtain (hence making the testing code slow to run), or otherwise inconvenient to use.

SUT - System Under Test


Unit Tests
Integration Tests
End-to-End Tests - because of the extended amount of time these tests generally take, they can be done less often but ideally integrated into a Continuous Integration (CI) workflow where they are performed right before code is merged into master
Apple WWDC Videos on testing:
The following link illustrates a better way to provide for a setup needs of a test that uses factory methods instead of the traditional setup/teardown methods: https://www.essentialdeveloper.com/articles/xctest-swift-setup-teardown-vs-factory-methods

TYPE METHOD - static and class methods are type methods that can be called on the type itself (instead of an instance of that type). The difference between these two is that class methods can be overridden by subclasses while static methods cannot. Both of these kinds of methods are called type methods. You indicate type methods by writing the static keyword before the method’s func keyword. Classes can use the class keyword instead, to allow subclasses to override the superclass’s implementation of that method. In contrast, Instance methods are methods that you call on an instance of a particular type. https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/LanguageGuide/Methods.html