
Simple python script that rename the books downloaded from Humble Bundle

Primary LanguagePython


I bought some books from Humble Bundle with PDF format, the default filenames are ALWAYS in unreadable format.

  • dimensionalanalysisforunitconversionusingmatlab.pdf
  • algebraessentials.pdf
  • multivariableandvectorcalculus.pdf

Therefore, the purpose of this program is quite simple, it will rename the unreadable filename into a more human readable format by finding the largest word tokens that can pass the spell check, and combines them into the new filename. For example:

  • computertheory.pdf -> computer-theory.pdf
  • linearalgebra.pdf -> linear-algebra.pdf
  • algebraessentials.pdf -> algebra-essentials.pdf


  • Python 3
  • pip install cyhunspell


python rename.py
Path of the folder: C:\\Users\\jason\\Documents\\RenamePDFs\\TestData
Extension you want to rename to: .pdf
Are you sure to rename the file under directory C:\\Users\\jason\\Documents\\RenamePDFs\\TestData with extensions .pdf [Y/y]: Y

Why greedy algorithm?

Because all followings are true

  • h.spell("a") => True
  • h.spell("algebra") => True
  • h.spell("essentials") => True
  • h.spell("essential") => True


  • Customize spell dictionary
  • Take preference of some term over another (for sample - the secure over these)