
Code test for mid-level front end developers. Covers a broad range of client-side technical skills

Primary LanguageHTML

Technical skills test

This front end development test is intended to cover a broad range of skills required to deliver high quality government digital services. This includes:

  • Accessibility
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • jQuery and JavaScript
  • Other best practices

Candidates are asked to perform this test remotely and submit their responses to the sender.


  1. Describe how you would implement the 'I am looking for...' tab panel that appears on justice.gov.uk.

Focus specifically on not disadvantaging users of:

  • Assistive technology
  • Older/less featured browsers

Your answer should describe both how you would do this and describe what specific features of HTML, ARIA, CSS and JavaScript you would use to achieve this.

  1. How would you implement a version of GOV.UK browse for a new digital service.

Your answer should:

  • identify, so far as possible, what GOV.UK have done to ensure accessibility and progressive enhancement
  • assume you're approaching this from scratch

JavaScript and jQuery

  1. An exercise using jQuery is provided in test-jquery.html.

  2. If you saw this in a Pull Request, what would your advice be:

Array.prototype.split = function(i) { // Adds split to all arrays
    return [this.slice(0, i), this.slice(i)];


  1. What colour would each of the following elements be (Assume each pair of rules are targeting the same element)
h1 {color: red;}
body h1 {color: green;}

h2.grape {color: purple;}
h2 {color: silver;}

html > body table tr[id="totals"] td ul > li {color: maroon;} // li has an id of answer
li#answer {color: navy;}
  1. Given the HTML below, write a CSS3 rule that will give prepend the text ‘Tel:’ to the third list item. You are not able to amend the HTML to achieve this.
  1. What changes would you suggest to make these CSS rules ready for a production environment?
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset=utf‐8 />
      <style type="text/css">
        #one { background‐color: #000; }
        .three { color: rgba(255,255,255,1); }
        div > span { border: 3px solid green; }
      <div id="one">
        <div class="three">
          Hello <span>World!</span>
  1. How would you style all links to 'gov.uk' domains differently to other links in an application?


  1. A test using HTML5 is provided in test-html.html within this repository. Please amend the code and submit your changes as a pull request.


  1. What are the key things you need to test for on the front-end of digital services?

  2. How do you approach testing the front end of applications?

Best practices

  1. Is this good quality code? Provide a brief justification of your answer.
      Click Me
  1. Describe three ways to decrease page load time (answers may include perceived or actual load times)

  2. Why is it generally a good idea to position CSS <link>s between <head></head> and JS <script>s just before </body>? Do you know any exceptions?