
[ICML 2024] ''Robust Inverse Constrained Reinforcement Learning under Model Misspecification'' Official Code

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Robust Inverse Constrained Reinforcement Learning under Model Misspecification

This is the code for the paper Robust Inverse Constrained Reinforcement Learning under Model Misspecification published at ICML 2024. Note that:

  1. The experimental environment is mainly based on the MuJoCo.
  2. The implementation is based on the code from ICRL-benchmark.

Create Python Environment

  1. Please install the conda before proceeding.
  2. Create a conda environment and install the packages:
mkdir save_model
mkdir evaluate_model
conda env create -n ricrl python=3.9 -f python_environment.yml
conda activate ricrl

You can also first install Python 3.9 with the torch (2.0.1+cu117) and then install the packages listed in python_environment.yml.

Setup Experimental Environments

Setup MuJoCo Environment (you can also refer to MuJoCo Setup)

  1. Download the MuJoCo version 2.1 binaries for Linux or OSX.
  2. Extract the downloaded mujoco210 directory into ~/.mujoco/mujoco210.
  3. Install and use mujoco-py.
pip install -U 'mujoco-py<2.2,>=2.1'
pip install -e ./mujuco_environment

export MUJOCO_PY_MUJOCO_PATH=YOUR_MUJOCO_DIR/.mujoco/mujoco210
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:YOUR_MUJOCO_DIR/.mujoco/mujoco210/bin:/usr/lib/nvidia
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/nvidia

Generate Expert Demonstration

Note that we have generated the expert data for ease of usage, and you can download it through expert_data.

Alternatively, you can also generate your own dataset with different settings such as different constraints or noise levels through the following steps (here we use the Blocked Half-Cheetah environment with noise level 1e-3 as an example):

1. Train expert agents with ground-truth constraints.

Firstly we should train an expert agent (PPO-Lag) with ground-truth constraints:

# run PPO-Lag knowing the ground-truth constraints
python train_policy.py ../config/train/BlockedHalfCheetah/PPO-Lag_HCWithPos.yaml -n 5 -s 123

2. Sample trajectories of the expert

After training the expert agent, we can get the expert demonstration through sampling from it:

# run data generation
python generate_data_for_constraint_inference.py -n 5 -mn your_expert_file_path -tn PPO-Lag-HC -ct no-constraint -rn 0

Note that you need to replace the your_expert_file_path with the saved path of your trained expert. You can find it through save_model/PPO-Lag-HC/your_expert_file_path.

Train ICRL Algorithms

We use the Blocked Half-Cheetah environment with seed 123 and opponent strength 0.05 (alpha=0.95) for AR-ICRL as an example. You can also use different seeds or modify the noise level using different configs.

# train BC2L
python train_icrl.py ...config/train/BlockedHalfCheetah/BC2L_HCWithPos.yaml -n 5 -s 123

# train MEICRL
python train_icrl.py ...config/train/BlockedHalfCheetah/MEICRL_HCWithPos.yaml -n 5 -s 123

# train VICRL
python train_icrl.py ...config/train/BlockedHalfCheetah/VICRL_HCWithPos.yaml -n 5 -s 123

# train IRCO
python train_icrl.py ...config/train/BlockedHalfCheetah/IRCO_HCWithPos.yaml -n 5 -s 123

# train ARICRL (Robust PPO-Lag Version)
python train_icrl.py ...config/train/BlockedHalfCheetah/ARICRL_HCWithPos-RPPO-Lag-op5e-2.yaml -n 5 -s 123

# train ARICRL (Robust Dual PPO Version)
python train_icrl.py ...config/train/BlockedHalfCheetah/ARICRL_HCWithPos-RDPPO-op5e-2.yaml -n 5 -s 123

Evaluate Results

After training the algorithms, we can evaluate their performance under testing environments with different transition dynamics through the following steps (we use the Blocked Half-Cheetah environment as an example):

  1. Modify the config/evaluate/eval_BlockedHalfCheetah.yaml to change the testing environment with different types of noises (i.e., full_random / partial_random / attack) and the noise scale (eval_noise_mean, eval_noise_std)
  2. Fill in the 'model_paths' list in interface/evaluate_halfcheetah.py with the log path of the algorithm you want to evaluate, and then run it.

Welcome to Cite and Star

If you have any questions, please contact me via shengxu1@link.cuhk.edu.cn.

If you feel the work helpful, please use the citation:

  title={Robust Inverse Constrained Reinforcement Learning under Model Misspecification},
  author={Xu, Sheng and Liu, Guiliang},
  booktitle={Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning},