
HttpContext RequestServices is null

marcindruzgala opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello :)

So we are using albo for our integration tests but I'm recently fighting with something and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. So, we have very simple set up of the AlboHost

var albaHost = Alba.AlbaHost.ForStartup<Startup>(builder =>
    builder.ConfigureAppConfiguration((_, config) =>
    return builder;

Since we're using Identity Server and some of our endpoints are protected by bearer tokens I wanted to generate those and add them to the request, it looks more or less like this:

public static void ConfigureJwt(this HttpContext context,
    User user,
    string? clientId = null,
    IEnumerable<string>? scopes = null,
    IEnumerable<string>? audiences = null)
    var identityServerTools = context.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IdentityServerTools>();

   // async call in sync function, have to await it in ugly way
    var jwt = identityServerTools.IssueClientJwtAsync(clientId, 60, scopes, audiences).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

That I later call in our test like this:

await Host.Scenario(s =>
    s.ConfigureHttpContext(c =>

But it crashes with NRE on context.RequestServices.GetRequiredService.

I've tried to 'fix it' by calling BeforeEach on AlbaHost and assigning RequestServices like below but it only helped with NRE 🤔

AlbaHost.BeforeEach(c =>
    c.RequestServices = AlbaHost.Services.CreateScope().ServiceProvider;

This removes the NRE but then IdentityServerTools internally uses IHttpContextAccessor and HttpContext property on that object is null :/

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Hawxy commented

I'll investigate this at some point, but I'd recommend using the security extensions that will stub out authentication within the Alba project:

Man, so sorry it took so long to look into this. I have no idea why the IAlbaHost.Services would be null unless something went wrong with bootstrapping and it failed silently somehow.

But what @Hawxy said.

Hawxy commented

Closing this as stale.