- 0
Use some Reflection and make sure that OaktonEnvironment.AutoStart = true before tests start
#177 opened by jeremydmiller - 1
Proposal: BodyTextAssertion should also contain the actual response body when failing
#171 opened by chrisbbe - 3
- 0
Revisit the usage of ScenarioAssertionException
#142 opened by Hawxy - 1
- 1
- 0
Move to JsonWebToken within JwtSecurityStub for .NET 8+
#146 opened by Hawxy - 1
[feat] Allow removing claim value in test?
#160 opened by sommmen - 2
Alba seems to run forever un mstest?
#154 opened by sommmen - 3
`required` properties will trigger a `AlbaJsonFormatterException` when requesting a nested object
#153 opened by jsgoupil - 1
- 0
- 1
- 3
HttpContext RequestServices is null
#107 opened by marcindruzgala - 1
Getting AuthenticationStub to override multiple schemas
#135 opened by egil - 2
- 1
Inconsistent behavior when using AlbaHost.For
#130 opened by firedog - 1
- 1
Example: uploading FormFile
#70 opened by jakobgn - 1
How to setup properly X-XSRF-TOKEN header for ValidateAntiForgeryToken?
#106 opened by AdaskoTheBeAsT - 3
- 0
TokenValidationParameters for JwtSecurityStub
#115 opened by paulczy - 3
Some issues with minimal api
#108 opened by hartmark - 4
Use of System.Text.Json
#84 opened by schmallaria - 3
- 0
Timeout using .NET 6 in run mode
#98 opened by dhaligas - 3
GRPC Support
#83 opened by dbettin - 0
Rewind the Response.Body anytime it is read
#92 opened by jeremydmiller - 0
Alba doesn't give you a good indication of what's wrong when there is a serialization failure in ReadAsJson<T>()
#93 opened by jeremydmiller - 3
- 1
Alba v5 Proposal
#86 opened by jeremydmiller - 2
Alba is not working for Azure Function
#74 opened by kmughal - 1
- 1
Test runner hangs
#85 opened by MDzyga - 0
Relative content root being overwritten
#65 opened by josephwoodward - 2
- 1
Request not finished if body not read
#73 opened by LodewijkSioen - 0
- 4
Make application's level IServiceProvider available in classes implementing IScenarioAssertion
#69 opened by tjaskula - 1
Alba +Autofac
#68 opened by Nitin5acc - 2
- 2
- 0
- 1
New flavors of Before/AfterEach that give you access to the underlying IoC container
#63 opened by jeremydmiller - 0
- 1
HttpContext.Request.QueryString does not support passing arrays as parameters
#58 opened by theamazingfedex - 1
- 1
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