[feat] Allow removing claim value in test?
sommmen opened this issue · 1 comments
I have role based authorization, my claims would look like this;
"role": [
In a test i'd like to remove this role so i can test that asp.net correctly returns Forbidden, but i can't seem to get that to work becuase i can only remove a claim by key;
await Host.Scenario(c =>
c.RemoveClaim("Role"); // Would remove all roles, not a specific role.
Could Alba support configuring the claim values on a per test basis?
In my case i'd like to only remove the 'Employee' role.
For the sake of completeness, the Host is setup in a base class, using MsTest :
public abstract class IntegrationTestBase
protected static IAlbaHost Host { get; set; } = null!;
public static async Task ClassInitialize(TestContext context)
var jwtSecurityStub = new JwtSecurityStub()
.With(JwtRegisteredClaimNames.Email, "runner@webapi.tests");
var claimsByRole = RoleManagerExtensions.GetRoleClaims();
foreach (var (role, claims) in claimsByRole)
jwtSecurityStub = jwtSecurityStub.With("role", role);
foreach (var claim in claims)
jwtSecurityStub = jwtSecurityStub.With(claim);
Host = await AlbaHost.For<Program>(x =>
x.ConfigureServices((_, services) =>
for (var i = services.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var service = services[i];
Type[] implementationTypesToRemove =
// Hosted services that do stuff on startup
// Remove auth so the stub can pick this up
if (implementationTypesToRemove.Contains(service.ImplementationType))
}, jwtSecurityStub);
public void ClassCleanup()
I may be able to push out a PR, if you'd like me to do that, please provide me some steps on how you want this to work.
Sorry, I missed this issue when you first posted it. This is unsupportable, claims don't have a type once created, they're just strings. I'd recommend writing an extension that removes the claim and adds the change you want (claims can be removed & added as part of the same scenario).