
CodeDocShare is full stack web application that simplifies the process of sharing Code Snippets and any text documents, readily via a URL generated within a fraction of second as soon as we save the snippet / doc . It also allows you to duplicate / edit if something is missed or misspelled and after changes you can again save and get a URL. CodeDocShare also offers the functionality of detecting the snippet whether it's a code or a plain text

Primary LanguageEJS

CodeDocShare πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»πŸ“œπŸ“±

🚩 What Basically is CodeDocShare ? πŸ€”

CodeDocShare is full stack web application that simplifies the process of sharing Code Snippets and any text documents, readily via a URL generated within a fraction of second as soon as we save the snippet / doc . It also allows you to duplicate / edit if something is missed or misspelled and after changes you can again save and get a URL. CodeDocShare also offers the functionality of detecting the snippet whether it's a code or a plain text

🚩Languages and Frameworks used :

HTML5 CSS3 Nodejs MongoDB

🚩 Deployed on :

GitHub Pages Heroku

🧐 Preview of the application

🏍 To run the code locally :

  • Clone / Download :

     git clone https://github.com/your_username/CodeDocShare.git
  • Navigate to the CodeDocShare folder

     cd CodeDocShare
  • Run the local version of application

     npm start

You are good to go now ... πŸ˜€

✍ Got any issue ? / Want to Contribute ? :

Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  • Fork the Project
  • Create your new Branch git checkout -b NewBranchName
  • Commit your Changes git commit -m " Description of contribution you made "
  • Push to the Branch git push origin NewBranchName
  • Open a Pull Request

I'll review your suggestions / issues as soon as possible