CeilBattler Windows binary


  • to run execute CeilBattler.exe
  • to pause press space


  • you can see and change configurations in config.json


  • Connection realized via I/O streams
  • Protocol:
  1. Your strategy print to stdout it's name in one line
  2. Next you strategy need to read from stdin each width height colors
  • each is a 'first' or 'second' determines your strategy goes 'first' or 'second'
  • width is a field width
  • height is a field height
  • colors is a count of colors used in field
  1. Sometimes your strategy gets play and then field.
  2. For each play and field your strategy need to print to stdout your move
  • move is a integer in [0, colors)
  • you can see examples for C++ and Python in sample_player.cpp and sample_player.py

write your questions and bugs to issues