
Bookshelf is an eCommerce app where user can select any of these profile types Admin, Seller, Customer. Firebase is used for authentication,realtime database and image storage.Other frameworks like Glide, Crop image library and Material edit text are used for better user interactions.

Primary LanguageJava


Bookshelf is an eCommerce app where user can select any of these profile types Admin, Seller, Customer. Firebase is used for authentication,realtime database and image storage.Other frameworks like Glide, Crop image library and Material edit text are used for better user interactions.

Features of Customer :

  • Customer can select any desired products from various categories.
  • Customer can also search the name or category of the product.
  • Products are added to added to cart where quantity can be updated.
  • Once all the desired products are finalized customer can confirm the order by updating address and payment mode.
  • Customer can view placed orders and can update information.

Features of Seller :

  • Seller can search for all his products.
  • Seller can also add new products by selecting product's category.
  • All the new orders details which are related to seller are displayed.
  • Seller can update shop's information if required.

Features of Admin :

  • The main use of Admin Panel is to check if any unusual order/product is added to the database.
  • Statistics like online users, online sellers, total orders, total products, orders today and sales today.
  • All the activities/state of Customers can be viewed in real-time.
  • List of all Sellers, Customers, Products and Orders.

Some screenshots/gifs of user interaction -

Login with any of these profile types

Customer Profile

Search Products Select Categories Update Cart

Seller Profile

Admin Profile

Statistics User Status
All Sellers All Products All Orders