ExpMath is a project of the Institute of Computational Mathematics at the Technical University of Braunschweig. It aims at providing a web application visualizing mathematical ideas to students of the engineering disciplines of the first semesters. The concept is to not provide a more sophisticated alternative to Matlab, Mathematica, Octave, GNUplot etc. but to empower students with the capabilities of visualization even if they not yet have the skills to create the tools themselves.
The ExpMath site consists of two parts:
- The actual interactive plots are rendered with the help of bokeh, a Python visualization library in combination with some custom extensions.
- Each interactive plot is framed within static components summarizing the theoretical background and enhancing the user experience with questions.
Clone the repository to the production server, and adjust the IP address in website/init.py to the one of the server
Make sure docker is installed and the docker daemon is running
Use the script to build the docker container
Use the script to deploy the server (if necessary stop an old docker container beforehand)
Use the script to stop a running server
Install the necessary dependencies
sudo apt update
sudo apt install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 python3 python3-pip
sudo pip3 install flask fuzzywuzzy virtualenv bokeh holoviews scipy
Create the folder structure
mkdir -p /var/www/expmath/website
mkdir -p /var/www/expmath/log
mkdir -p /var/www/expmath/plots
Create a virtual environment for the flask application
virtualenv /var/www/expmath/website/venv
source /var/www/expmath/website/venv/bin/activate
pip3 install flask fuzzywuzzy bokeh
Clone the github repository and !! adjust the IP address in website/init.py to the one of the server
git clone https://github.com/Ceyron/expmath.git ~/expmath
Copy the files
cp -r ~/expmath/plots/* /var/www/expmath/plots/
cp -r ~/expmath/website/* /var/www/expmath/website/
cp ~/expmath/deployment/expmath.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/
cp ~/expmath/deployment/expmath.wsgi /var/www/expmath/
Configure Apache
sudo a2enmod wsgi
sudo a2ensite expmath
sudo a2dissite 000-default
sudo apache2ctl restart
Make sure the firewall does not block port 80 and 9001
If you are not using flask, then it is still possible interactive bokeh-plots, i.e. ones that will callback to the bokeh server, by including a script tag as follows
[PLOT\_NAME]" id="1000"></script>