A code template for STM32F4 series processors with full DSP and StdPerph libraries.
This Template:
- Defines interrupt table at the start of Flash memory
- Builds full DSP and StdPeriph from sources
- Initializes stack on CCM memory
- Initializes .data
- Initializes .bss to zero
- Calls main
Just issue:
$ make
This assumes that make tools and toolchain is already installed and working.
Toolchain can be specified with environment variables. Currently variables CROSS, CC, OBJCOPY, SIZE are used for toolchain specification
- CROSS: Specifies prefix for toolchain (e.g arm-none-eabi-), default: arm-none-eabi-
- CC: Specifies C and Assembler compiler (e.g. gcc), default: gcc
- OBJCOPY: specifies objcopy program, default: objcopy
- SIZE: specifies size program, default: size
make CROSS=arm-randomos-eabi- CC=cc