
Linkfile <·> With this plugin you will be able to add shortcuts to your favourites directories

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Link File Plugin

With this plugin you will be able to add shortcuts to your favourites directories


You can install this plugin in two ways:

<·> If you have oh my zsh (Recommended):

  • You have to clone this repository in the plugin directory

git clone https://github.com/JaumeRF/linkfile-zsh.git
  • And then add linkfile to the plugins array in your .zshrc file:
plugins=(... linkfile-zsh)

<·> If you don't want to install oh my zsh:

  • First, you need to copy the raw code in github.
  • After that, open your .zshrc file in a text editor and paste the raw code at the end.

Note: normally the .zshrc file is in the home directory: ~/ at the terminal.

Note: to reload the .zshrc file run source ~/.zshrcat the terminal.


  • linkfile [shorcut-name] [path]: add a shortcut

  • linkfile [shortcut-name]: add a shortcut to the actual directory

  • linkfile: add a shortcut, with the same name as the directory, to the actual directory

  • linkfile_list: lists all shortcuts

  • linkfile_rename [old-name] [new-name]: rename an existing shortcut

  • linkfile_remove [shortcut-name]: remove a shortcut

  • linkfile_delete: remove all shortcuts

Note: With linkfile_removeand linkfile_delete you'll be asked if you want to remove shortcuts 1accept 2cancel:

Do you wish to delete the link: [shortcut-name] ?
1) Yes  2)No


First, generate a shortcut

linkfile [shortcut-name] [path]

And then you can access to your folder with:

ƒ [shortcut-name]

Note: the special character ƒ can be changed in default var_prefix "ƒ" in the .zsh file or in the raw code.


Alias Command
lf linkfile
lfls linkfile_list
lfrnm linkfile_rename
lfrm linkfile_remove
lfdlt linkfile_delete
