
Pytorch BiLSTM Model trained on IMDB Dataset

Primary LanguagePython

Sentiment-Analysis using Pytorch

You will find here :

  • A Pytorch BiLSTM Model trained on IMDB Dataset (50k movie reviews) for 3 Epochs
  • Scripts for training the model from scratch
  • Finally, you can deploy the model via API with Flask

Have Fun !

Model training

The architecture is basic, BiLSTM with LayerNormalization.

The model has been trained for 3 epochs with Adam optimizer and Cyclical LR Schedueler

run training

python main.py --data_path='../Data/IMDB Dataset.csv' 
               --texts_col='review' --labels_col='sentiment' 
                --n_classes=2 --batch_size=16 --batch_size_eval=64
                --n_epochs=3 --cuda=1


In order to use the API code, you will have to deploy the flask server and send a request via terminal.

The APP code is available inside the app repo

# Under the app directory 
python app.py


curl -d '{"text": "Very good movie but too long"}' -X POST


  1. Review the code base and make it more generic
  2. Provide a docker image of the project
  3. Add extra features : multilangual models, csv as input ...
  4. Unit Tests