Database Locking

This project demonstrates two types of database locking mechanisms — Optimistic Locking and Pessimistic Locking — with a focus on booking seats for movies.

Insert Records to Seat Table

INSERT INTO seat (movieName, booked, version) VALUES 
('Inception', false, 0),
('Titanic', false, 0),
('Avengers: Endgame', false, 0),
('Interstellar', false, 0),
('The Dark Knight', false, 0);

Optimistic Validation

cURL Command

curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:9191/booking/optimistic/2' \
  -H 'accept: */*'


Thread-1 is attempting to book the seat optimistically...
Thread-1 fetched seat with version: 0
Thread-2 is attempting to book the seat optimistically...
Thread-2 fetched seat with version: 0
Thread-1 successfully booked the seat! and version is 1
Thread-2 failed: Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect): [com.javatechie.entity.Seat#2]

Step-by-Step Breakdown

  1. Thread-1 and Thread-2 Fetch the Same Seat (Version 0)
    Both threads start their tasks:

    • Thread-1 fetches the Seat entity with version: 0.
    • Before Thread-1 completes its booking, Thread-2 also fetches the same Seat entity with version: 0.

    This is expected behavior because optimistic locking allows multiple threads to read the same entity simultaneously. At this point:

    • Both threads hold a copy of the entity with version: 0.
  2. Thread-1 Successfully Books the Seat

    • Thread-1 proceeds to update the seat:
      • It checks the version of the entity in the database (version: 0) and finds it matches the version it fetched.
      • The update is successful, and the version of the entity in the database is incremented to 1.
    • Thread-1 logs:
      Thread-1 successfully booked the seat! and version is 1
  3. Thread-2 Fails Due to Version Mismatch

    • After Thread-1 updates the seat, Thread-2 attempts to update the same seat using its fetched copy (version: 0).
    • Before updating, the database checks if the version in Thread-2's copy (version: 0) matches the current version in the database (version: 1).
    • The versions do not match because Thread-1 has already updated the seat.
    • As a result, Hibernate throws an OptimisticLockingFailureException, indicating that another transaction modified the row since Thread-2 fetched it.
    • Thread-2 logs:
      Thread-2 failed: Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect): [com.javatechie.entity.Seat#2]

Pessimistic Locking in Action: Seat Booking Example

cURL Command

curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:9191/booking/optimistic/2' \
  -H 'accept: */*'


Two threads (Thread-1 and Thread-2) attempt to book the same seat (ID 2) using Pessimistic Locking. This locking mechanism ensures that only one thread can access and modify the seat at a time.


Thread-1 is attempting to fetch the seat with a pessimistic lock...
Thread-2 is attempting to fetch the seat with a pessimistic lock...
Thread-1 acquired the lock for seat ID: 2
Thread-1 is booking the seat...
Thread-1 successfully booked the seat with ID: 2
Thread-2 acquired the lock for seat ID: 2
Thread-2 failed: Seat ID 2 is already booked!
Thread-2 failed: Seat already booked

Execution Flow and Logs

  1. Thread-1 Attempts to Fetch the Seat

    • Thread-1 starts first and acquires the lock for the seat (ID 2).
    • Logs:
      Thread-1 is attempting to fetch the seat with a pessimistic lock...
      Thread-1 acquired the lock for seat ID: 2
  2. Thread-2 Attempts to Fetch the Seat

    • While Thread-1 is holding the lock, Thread-2 starts and waits for the lock to be released.
    • Logs:
      Thread-2 is attempting to fetch the seat with a pessimistic lock...
  3. Thread-1 Books the Seat

    • Thread-1 successfully books the seat and releases the lock at the end of the transaction.
    • Logs:
      Thread-1 is booking the seat...
      Thread-1 successfully booked the seat with ID: 2
  4. Thread-2 Acquires the Lock and Fails

    • After the lock is released, Thread-2 acquires the lock and checks the seat's status.
    • Since the seat is already booked, Thread-2 fails with an exception.
    • Logs:
      Thread-2 acquired the lock for seat ID: 2
      Thread-2 failed: Seat ID 2 is already booked!
      Thread-2 failed: Seat already booked

Key Points

  • Exclusive Access:
    Pessimistic Locking ensures that only one thread can modify the seat at a time by locking it in the database during the transaction.

  • Sequential Processing:
    Threads attempting to access the same entity are processed one after the other, avoiding conflicts and ensuring data consistency.

  • Failure Handling:
    If a thread finds the entity in an invalid state (e.g., already booked), it throws an exception to indicate the operation cannot proceed.

Feel free to contribute or raise issues regarding this implementation!