/search is setup as a cron task that runs every 2 minutes. It's mapped to the twitagsearch.SearchPage RequestHandler, which calls twitagsearch.Search(). Which calls api.Search (added by me to twitter.py). I also just added code to set the User-Agent, which apparently ups your search limit (otherwise app engine IPs get rate limited fairly often), haven't deployed to see if that helps. So, to use this code yourself: - put valid strings in USERNAME, PASSWORD, USER_AGENT in twitagsearch.py (create a new twitter account). - tweak twitagsearch.Search() to be what you want to search for (http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-Search-API-Method:-search) - Create a new model.py that has objects for what you want to store. - Create new pages for retrieving the data.
A GoogleAppEngine application implementing twitter hash tag searches per EpicColorado