
Threat intelligence

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Neanet 🔪

Threat intelligence feed

The stats:

  • IP Address with malicious activities reported: 2060053 (100%)
  • IP Address categorized as 'Critical': 242 (0.0117472705799%)
  • IP Address categorized as 'Very High': 1748 (0.0848521858418%)
  • IP Address categorized as 'High': 208345 (10.1135747478)
  • Total de direcciones IP indexadas en Neanet: 210335 (10.2101742043%)
  • Total de direcciones IP descartadas en Neanet: 1849718 (89.7898257957%)
Last Update Critical Very High High Paranoia
2024-07-20 23:01:55 242 1748 208345 210335 mixed list (Critical + Very High + High)


For the historical stats go to: link


Your IP is indexed? You may request to takedown. https://github.com/JavaGarcia/Neanet/issues