- 0
Update JavaFX examples to OpenJFX
#64 opened by keilw - 0
Update CDI demos to Jakarta EE 9
#32 opened by keilw - 0
Replace Bintray from Examples
#44 opened by keilw - 0
Upgrade JUnit to 5
#63 opened by keilw - 1
spring framework, hibernate example
#55 opened by landsman - 0
- 0
Fix critical security issues
#53 opened by keilw - 2
Document how to store money using jpa
#48 opened by SebastianDietrich - 17
Migrate JavaFX examples or retire them?
#29 opened by keilw - 0
Create JShell example(s)
#41 opened by keilw - 1
Create Java 9+ examples
#30 opened by keilw - 0
Upgrade examples to Log4J 2
#39 opened by keilw - 1
Requests rejected by IMF server on a regular basis
#33 opened by keilw - 2
Why Monetary classes are closed to extension?
#38 opened by piotr-wysz - 0
javamoney-tradingapp broken by recent changes
#14 opened by keilw - 2
- 0
Adjust TCK Examples
#21 opened by keilw - 5
Provide serialization example in the docs for Database storage of MonetaryAmount
#36 opened by feinstein - 0
jax-rs-money doesn't work
#15 opened by keilw - 2
How to write custom ExchangeRateProvider
#27 opened by kharemohit786 - 7
How to inject a custom SPI using Spring Injection
#34 opened by keilw - 2
- 0
Release 1.1
#31 opened by keilw - 3
Example using serializing over the wire?
#28 opened by luistrigueiros - 0
ApacheCon Examples
#23 opened by keilw - 7
- 1
Try a web example like Geronimo Currency Converter
#22 opened by keilw - 6
Custom Rate Provider
#20 opened by rosin1408 - 10
- 1
Add examples to Travis
#17 opened by keilw - 0
Adjust to API changes
#2 opened by keilw - 0
Fix wrong spelling in functional-example
#16 opened by keilw - 1
- 15
missing javamoney-lib 0.5-SNAPSHOT
#7 opened - 0
Further integrate EZ with JSR
#1 opened by keilw - 0
Refactor "functional-examples" under "console"
#11 opened by keilw - 5
Split every example to their own repository
#10 opened by stokito - 0
Add Java 8 examples
#3 opened by keilw