Code repository for Packt Java OpenCV Book
In order to setup the code, follow these instructions:
1- Setup Maven according to . Make sure you check the links and .
Also, make sure you download the BINARY file and not the SOURCE one.
2- Go to and download it to some folder (click on Download zip on the right)
3- Extract the projects from the zip file
4- Customize the desired pom.xml from the chapter according to your platform. For instance, if you want to build for Windows x64, change the desired project pom.xml file from:
or maybe natives-mac-x86_64 for 64 bit osx.
5- Import your maven project in your favorite IDE.
5-a) In Netbeans, File -> Open Project -> Browse to the project folder. Click on the Open Project button. Now, right-click the project, and select Build with dependencies. It's time to tell where the native libraries are. Right-click the project -> Properties -> Run -> VM Options -> Point java.library.path VM option to native files using the following: -Djava.library.path="C:\Users\baggio\Documents\OpenCV Offline\code\chapter2\swing-imageshow\target\natives" . Of course, you should change -Djava.library.path="C:\Users\baggio\Documents\OpenCV Offline\code\chapter2\swing-imageshow\target\natives" to your native files folder. In case Netbeans give you hard time erasing the field everytime, just shut it down and open it again. Now, run the project: Right-click it, Run.
5-b) In Eclipse, generate a project file through:
mvn eclipse::eclipse
Then, import it as an existing project in Eclipse. Before running it, check your referenced libraries and look for opencvjar-3.0.0 or opencvjar-2.4.7 and right click it -> Properties -> Native library -> Workspace -> Point it to the native file location, e.g.: histogram/target/natives . Right click your project -> Run as -> Java application -> Point to the App class, press ok and it should run.