Curated path for learning Spring Boot & Microservices based on published videos in TechPrimers.
💡Each link points to a separate Youtube video, the code samples and relevant links/videos are available in the description of each video.
1️⃣ Basics
2️⃣ Deep Dive
- MVC and JPA
- Hibernate JPA
- Enterprise Grade
- Debugging
- Monitoring
- Documentation
- Spring Boot: Best and Worst
3️⃣ Security
4️⃣ Integration
- MyBatis and MySQL
- Spring Batch
- Spring Integration
- Spring Reactive with MongoDB
- Spring Cloud Gateway
- Transactionality
- Elastic Search
- ActiveMQ
- Kafka
- Redis
- Aerospike
- GraphQL
- Neo4J
5️⃣ Microservices
- Load Balancing
- Resiliency
- Fault Tolerance
- Architecture Patterns
- Observability
- Chaos Engineering
- Service Mesh
- End-to-End examples
6️⃣ Testing
7️⃣ Runtime
8️⃣ [Official Documentations(#official-documentations)
- REST Basics
- How to create and run a Spring Boot
- Spring JPA with POST example
- How does Spring MVC work?
- Spring Data REST and JPA
- Spring Data JPA with Hibernate and MySQL
- One-to-One Mapping using Spring JPA in Hibernate example
- One-to-Many Mapping using Spring JPA in Hibernate example
- Many-to-One Mapping using Spring JPA in Hibernate example
- Properties vs YAML
- Profiles in Spring Boot example
- Running Spring Boot App as HTTPS
- Lazy Initialization in Spring Boot with example
- Graceful Shutodown in Spring Boot with example
- What are WebSockets?
- Spring Boot using WebSockets example
- Spring Cache using EhCache example
- Spring Boot using SOAP Web Services
- Spring Boot using Kotlin
- Actuators in Spring Boot example
- What is Micrometer?
- Spring Boot with Micrometer and Prometheus example
- API First Desgin | Open API Specification
- REST API Documentation (Swagger2) example
- Spring Boot with HATEOS and REST with example
- Spring Security in Spring Boot with example
- Spring Security using Authentication & Authorization from MySQL example
- Spring Security using LDAP example
- What is JWT?
- Spring Security using JWT example
- Security Essentials for OpenID Connect & OAuth2
- What is OAuth2?
- Spring Security using OAuth2 example
- Spring Security using OAuth2 with MySQL example
- Spring Security OAuth2 using Facebook in Spring Boot
- OAuth vs JWT
- What is MongoDB with example
- Spring Reactive Mongo with WebFlux example #1
- Spring Reactive Mongo with WebFlux example #2
- Spring Reactive Mongo with WebFlux example #3
- Spring Boot with Elastic Search example #1
- Spring Boot with Elastic Search example #2
- Spring Boot with Elastic Search example #3
- Spring Boot with Elastic Search example #4
- Accessing Standalone Elastic Search from a Spring App using Create, Update and Delete Index Example
- Spring Boot with MongoDB example
- What is Apache Kafka?
- Spring Boot with Kafka Producer example
- Spring Boot with Kafka Consumer example
- What is API Gateway? | Swiggy Imaginary Architecture
- What is Service Registry?
- What is Reactive Programming?
- Microservices Communication
- How to design Microservices Architecture? Uber case study
- SAGA Architecture
- Serverless in 2020
- Food Store System design using various Cloud Platforms
- What is Event Driven Architecture?
- Strangler Application Pattern - eCommerce case study
- What is Spring Cloud Sleuth? (Distributed Log tracing)
- Distributed Log tracing using Spring Cloud Sleuth example
- Microservices & Kubernetes Observability
- Microservices & Kubernetes Observability Demo
- What is Service Mesh? Why do we need Service Mesh?
- Linkerd Service mesh with Spring Boot example
- Istio Architecture
- Designing Microservices using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Eureka and Zuul #1
- Designing Microservices using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Eureka and Zuul #2
- Spring Cloud Config Server with example
- Spring Cloud Eureka example
- Spring Cloud Eureka and Hystrix
- Spring Cloud Eureka, Hystrix and Zuul
- What is TDD?
- Writing JUnit Tests for RestController using MockMvc and Mockito
- Writing Mock Service in RestController and JUnits for POST with MockMvc
- Unit & Integration Tests in Spring Boot example
- What is BDD (Cucumber example)?
- Container/Docker Basics
- Create Docker image from Spring Boot App example
- Multi Stage Docker builds
- Spring Boot and MySQL in Docker example
- What is Cloud Foundry?
- Deploying a Spring Boot App in Cloud Foundry
- Blue Green Deployment in Cloud Foundry
- What is AWS?
- How to create EC2 instance in AWS?
- Running Spring Boot App on EC2 using S3 example
- Spring Cloud Function example
- Spring Cloud Function on AWS Lambda
- GCP Console tour
- What is Kubernetes?
- Kubernetes Architecture
- Kubernetes Architecture - Service & Deployment
- Deploying Spring Boot on Kubernetes
- Kubernetes YML Generator with Usage for Deployment and Service
- Deployment Strategies in Kubernetes #1
- Blue Green Deployment | Deployment Strategies in Kubernetes #2
- Canary Deployment | Deployment Strategies in Kubernetes #3
- Readiness & Liveness Probes | Robust and resilient app in Spring Boot Kubernetes
- Spring Cloud Kubernetes with ConfigMaps
- Spring Cloud Kubernetes with Discovery Client
- Remote Debugging in Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Secrets with Spring Boot example
P.S. All the content in this README are based on the videos published in TechPrimers
The content/views/opinions posted here are solely mine and the code samples created by me are open sourced. You are free to use the code samples in Github after forking and you can modify it for your own use. All the videos posted in Youtube are copyrighted. You cannot re-distribute videos on this channel in other platforms.