

Id Alias Email Password
  • Both Email and Alias may be changed, but Alias should be unique
  • Email also serves as login identifier
  • SHA-256 encryption for passwords
Id Gamestate BoardState XPlayer OPlayer CurrentPlayer Winner
  • GameState is serialized 2Darray
  • BoardState is serialized array that maps to outer-layer of Gamestate
Id Sender Recipient Accepted


  • API to create / accept game requests
  • API to create and update game state
  • Evaluates moves
  • Informs on current player & game state


  • Limits user to legal moves
  • Informs whose turn it is
  • Polls server for current game state
  • Polls server for received game requests?
  • Shows claimed boards (maps to board state in game)
  • Facility to request match with user, that upon acceptance, starts new game
  • May have more than 1 game at once?
  • Stores whether request was made / and if a game is ongoing
Client UI
  • Landing page / starting window post login is simply player list, includes facility to request a game and notifies of requests to play