Filtering rectangle boxes Project

In this project we implement a web server (http-server) in order to filtered inputs. These inputs are some retangles with their coordinates. If their coordinates does not have intersection with the coordinates of domain, then they would be filtered. otherwise they will be saved in a Text file.

This project is implemented in golang.


Name: Saeedeh (Javaneh) Bahrami



List of packages:

  1. "fmt"
  2. "errors"
  3. "os"
  4. "time"
  5. "net/http"
  6. "reflect"
  7. "io/ioutil"
  8. "io"
  9. "encoding/json"
  10. "log"
  11. "bufio"
  12. ""
  13. ""

the last 2 packages must be installed by these commands:

go get -u
go get -u

Running the Http Server

for running the model:

  1. first create a mod init file and select a name for your module cd to the project folder
cd Filtering_Project
go mod init http_server
  1. then compile the file
go build
  1. finally run the program using module name

Note: the http server will log automativally, all event and error handling during each request. So user can see the log, after running ./http_server.

Requesting Data Format

In order to feed request data to the http server, plase use curl post as below example:

curl -X POST -s localhost:8080 -d '{"main": {"x": 3, "y": 2, "width": 5, "height": 10},"input": [{"x": 4, "y": 10, "width": 1, "height": 1},{"x": 9, "y": 10,"width": 5, "height": 4}]}'
curl -X POST -s localhost:8080 -d '{"main": {"x":0, "y": 0, "width": 10, "height": 20},"input": [{"x":2, "y": 18, "width": 5, "height": 4},{"x":12, "y": 18, "width": 5, "height": 4},{"x":-1, "y": -1, "width": 5, "height": 4}]}'

in the above command, the domain coordinate nameed as "main". the rest of coordinates are coordinates of input rectangles named "input"

Note: we set localhost as our endpoint.

Note: we set 8080 port. one can change it to another free port.

Response Format

In order to get the response of data from the http server, plase use curl get as below exmaple:

curl -X GET -s localhost:8080

Note: the output will represnet the list of rectangles which are saved in the Text file.

output exmaple:

{"x":4,"y":10,"width":1,"height":1,"time":"2022-08-10 19:25:07"},
{"x":2,"y":18,"width":5,"height":4,"time":"2022-08-10 19:29:00"},
{"x":-1,"y":-1,"width":5,"height":4,"time":"2022-08-10 19:29:00"},