flutter riverpod dependencies

flutter pub add flutter_riverpod riverpod_annotation

dev dependencies

flutter pub add --dev build_runner custom_lint riverpod_generator riverpod_lint

for Error Don't use 'BuildContext's across async gaps. Try rewriting the code to not reference the 'BuildContext'.

if (context.mounted) { // Your Code here }

add all dependencies

flutter pub add auto_size_text cached_network_image collection connectivity_plus darq dartz device_info_plus device_preview dio easy_localization envied equatable flutter_bloc flutter_easyloading flutter_inappwebview flutter_local_notifications flutter_native_splash flutter_secure_storage flutter_slidable flutter_svg fluttertoast geolocator get_it go_router http injectable internet_connection_checker intl isar json_annotation location logger lottie share_plus url_launcher

flutter pub add dev dependencies

flutter pub add --dev build_runner build_verify envied_generator flutter_launcher_icons go_router_builder injectable_generator isar_generator json_serializable

flutter add firebase dependencies

flutter pub add firebase_analytics firebase_core firebase_crashlytics firebase_messaging firebase_performance