Practical Challenge - module 4

Practical challenge from IGTI's 2020 Fullstack Bootcamp.


To practice Git and Heroku knowledge acquired during Module 4 classes.

About the project

The api manages a mongodb grades database, with basic CRUD and other functionalities.


  1. Post - /grade/

    • Body Params:
      "name" : String,
      "subject" : String,
      "type" : String,
      "value" : Number

    • Return: Success message or error message

  2. Get - /grade/

    • Query Params: Name of the student
    • Return: List of Students grades
  3. Get - /grade/:id

    • Params: Id of the grade
    • Return: Informations about that grade
  4. Put - /grade/:id

    • Body Params: Id of the grade and information to be updated
    • Return: Success or error message
  5. Delete - /grade/:id

    • Params: Id of the grade
    • Return: Success or error message
  6. Delete - /grade/

    Delete all grades

    • Body Params: None
    • Return: Success or error message