
A trip planning app finished in a group of 7 people. Users can specify the location, date, budgets as well as some preferences, then it will generate a trip plan for team.

Primary LanguagePython

Setting up the backend

Note that the commands are for Linux, I cannot guarantee that these commands work in MacOS/Windows

  1. cd into the backend folder
cd backend
  1. In order to enusre that everone has the same dependencies installed, use the already generated Python virtual enviroment
source pyenv/bin/activate
Note that if you need to add any new dependencies please use the python virtual enviroment.
  1. Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
1) If you need to update requirements.txt (if you added a new dependencie)
  pip freeze requirements.txt
  Please do this in the location where the requirements.txt is. This means that when you run the existing command it should replace the old requirements.txt
  1. (Optional), In order for the frontend and backend to communicate you must setup NGROK.

    1. Download NGROK and create an account https://ngrok.com/
    2. Connect to NGROK
      ./ngrok authtoken <MY_TOKEN> 
    You can find your token on your NGROK dashboard
    3) Start NGROK on port 5000
     ./ngrok http 5000
    4) In the NGROK terminal there should be a http link, use this and replace the base url in the following location

    cd project-cipher/plannit/src/api/planitApi.js

  2. While your python virtual envirment is running,

    flask run

    This will start the flask app

  3. (Optional) Once you are done and no longer want to work you can exit the python virtual enviroment,


Setting up frontend

This will vary from system to system drastically however, there should be some common steps

  1. Cd into the planit folder
cd planit
  1. Install the dependencies
npm install
  1. Run the application
sudo npm start

Please note that if you want to communicate to the backend, please follow the backed setup instructions above, MAKE SURE TO SETUP NGROK!