Getting Started with the API and IOTA.RS Client Library via IOTA.JS



Method Path Description Resource URL Parameters Response
GET /iota/node Get connected node's info http://localhost:9000/api/iota/node None Node's info in JSON format.
GET /iota/seed Get a random seed http://localhost:9000/api/iota/seed None seed in JSON format.
GET /iota/addresses Get first five addresses from a given seed, A seed must to be in .env file http://localhost:9000/api/iota/addresses None Five address objects in JSON format.
GET /iota/node/balance/:address Get address' balance http://localhost:9000/api/iota/balance/:address address: Chrysalis address (bech32 standard) Address' balance in JSON format.


Method Path Description Resource URL Parameters Response
GET users/:id Get user by id http://localhost:9000/api/users/:id id: number JSON object with the user's id and name found or Error message in JSON format.
POST users/:id/name/:name Send id and name http://localhost:9000/api/users/:id/name/:name id: number, name: string JSON object with the user's id and name.


cd api
yarn install
  • Create file .env in api folder and fill it following the example.evn file.


yarn dev
yarn build
yarn start

Commands employed for development

- cd api
- npx tsc --init
- yarn init
- yarn add ts-node-dev typescript -D
- yarn add @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser eslint eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier prettier --dev
- yarn dev
- yarn add express
- yarn add @types/node @types/express -D

- yarn add cors (Middleware)
- yarn add @types/node @types/cors -D

- yarn add helmet (Middleware)
- yarn add winston (Logger)

- yarn add express-validator

Downgrade Node version v17.x to stable (v16.x)

  • @iota/client is unsoported on v17.x
- sudo npm install -g n
- sudo n stable


- npx tsc --sourceMap
- SET NODE_ENV=development

Stop tracking files with git.

- git rm api/.env --cached
- git commit -m "Stopped tracking .env File"

Stop tracking built files with git.

- git rm -r --cached lib
- git commit -m "Stopped tracking built files"