
An Android game that uses the Inception network to promote pictogram assisted learning.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A pokemon style Android game that uses the inception image classification network to promote pictogram assisted learning. The player is given a list of pictograms they must capture. The objective is for the player to find these pictograms in the world and take a picture of them. The Inception Image classification network is used to determine if the picture contains the item represented in the selected pictogram. In this way, the association between pictograms and real world objects is reinforced in the user's mind.

Pictograms act as visual support to aid those who have communication impairments or disorders. They are often used for teaching in special needs education centers.

The Aragonese Portal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ARASAAC) provides an extensive set of pictograms with labels in many languages. The game has been developed with pictogram labels in Spanish. However, English labels are also available from ARASAAAC.

How to run
Going from Imagenet labels to pictograms
Other resources

Sample pictograms:


Pictocatcher is composed of two parts. The first is a server which evaluates images with Google's Inception image classification network. It then checks that the image's class corresponds to that of the selected pictogram using the technique described here.

The second part is an android application. It provides the user with a set of pictograms to capture. It allows the user to take pictures and send them to the server. Communication between the app (clients) and the server is done through http post requests using Google Volley. Image storing on the mobile device is done with Picasso.

In game screenshot:

How to run


cd ./server/bin/
python app.py


Open the android directory with AndroidStudio. Change the address in SendCaptureActivity.java:169 to the address and port where you are running the server. You are ready to build the application and run it on an Android phone.

Going from Imagenet labels to pictograms

The inception network acts as a 1000-way classifier. However, there are more than 1000 pictograms and there may not be an exact correspondence between pictograms and Imagenet labels. In some cases, Imagenet classes are more detailed than pictograms. i.e. There are classes for many types of cat (tabby cat, egyptian cat, etc) but there is only a generic cat pictogram. In other cases, a handfull of pictograms can fall under only one Imagenet label.

We solve this issue by using Wordnet, a lexical database. Wordnet defines groups of cognitive synonym (synsets). Imagenet also maps its images with Wordnet synsets as is shown here. When the neural network decides a class, we search through the class synsets looking for the corresponding pictogram label. If it is found, we assume the user has taken a picture of the correct object.

Other resources: