

Primary LanguageJava

Teamwork App

This is my attempt at solving the Teamwork app, showing all projects for a given user, and some data of each project, using the Teamwork API

Third party dependencies

Libraries and tools included:

  1. Support libraries
  2. RecyclerViews
  3. RxJava and RxAndroid
  4. Retrofit 2
  5. Dagger 2
  6. Butterknife
  7. Okhttp
  8. JUnit
  9. Mockito
  10. Glide


I have used a simple attempt at Clean Architecture.

Version control

I have used git to version files in this project. Normally I use gitflow to create features, releases and hotfixes.


I am not designer although I try to make a android design with CollapsingToolbarLayout in image detail and circle image crop in list item.


I've added some tests (using Mockito and JUnit).