Lightwand Texas Edition v 2.0

Copyright (C) May 2018, Javier MartĂ­nez Arrieta

The LightWand Texas Edition controller is released under an Attributtion-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Therefore, anyone is free to:

-Share - copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format

-Adapt - remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

This is the Lightwand Texas Edition project, a light painting project that makes use of a TM4C123 (TIVA) board as a controller in order to read the image information and transmit it to the LED strip according to the settings.

The following folders contain all the necessary things:

-CCS project: Contains the software code to be uploaded to the board

-Eagle project: Contains the hardware design

-FreeCAD design: Contains the 3D design of the box to cover the hardware

-Sketchup design: Contains the 3D design of the hardware

-Lightwand Texas Edition English Guide: The manual to be used to know about the different HW parts, soldering steps, creating PNM images and how to navigate through the different menus

In order to know how to import the project in Code Composer Studio, configure the project settings and configure interrupts, go to the wiki page