
Telegram Group Project

Automated grading of homework assignments and tests

  • fork this repository
  • solve the task
  • commit with proper message


  • read_data

Input: "file_path"
Output: data
  • find_number_of_messages

    This function will read the json file and return the data as a dictionary.
Input: data
Output: num_messages
  • find_all_users_name

    This function will find all the users in the json file and return the list of users name.
Input: data
Output: users_name
  • find_all_users_id

    This function will find all the users in the json file and return the list of users id
Input: data
Output: users_id
  • find_number_of_messages

    Get the total number of messages.
Input: data, users_id
Output: message_count


  • don't copy other solutions or any solution
  • don't remove comments