
A Discord bot that uses dungeonworld-data to respond with text from the DW book.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dungeon World Discord Bot

A simple bot for Discord that responds with Dungeon World data.


Responds to ![command] [parameter] commands with information from the dungeonworld-data project.


!looks fighter
!class bard
!item short sword


  1. Clone this project: git clone git@github.com:Vindexus/DungeonWorldDiscordData
  2. Navigate to that folder cd DungeonWorldDiscordData
  3. Install dependencies npm install
  4. Register an app with Discord: https://github.com/reactiflux/discord-irc/wiki/Creating-a-discord-bot-&-getting-a-token
  5. Copy your Token from Discord
  6. Set the Environment Variable TOKEN to your Token
  7. Have your bot join your server: https://stackoverflow.com/a/37743722
  8. Start the bot npm start