
A list of PowerShell folks on Mastodon

MIT LicenseMIT


A list of PowerShell folks on Mastodon


Mastodon is a federated social media platform with server instances world wide. With the shenanigans over at the Bird Place, Mastodon is seeing a huge grown in users, including PowerShell users.

this repo

This repo contains a file mastoposh.csv which is a comma separated value file of PowerShell users on Mastodon.

Contents of mastoposh.csv

The CSV 5 fields (currently): . Name - your name . MastonAddress - your mastodon address, sans the initial "@" . ShowBoosts - Whether you want to have boosts shown (4.0 and later) - Y or N . NotifyNewPost - Whether you want to see new posts (4.0 and later) - Y or N . Language - what languages are you happy with - a comma separated list of language names (eg EN, EN-GB, etc;)

If you see errors in this list, please raise a GitHub issue.

If you are NOT on this list, but want to, issue a PR with your details and I'll action it as quickly as possible.

My email is DoctorDNS@Gmail.Com

In Closeing

And please - sending me Toots about this list may work but I may miss them too! Consider using Github and raising a PR