
[DEPRECATED] A Radio-button like logic wrapper for React Native

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


IMPORTANT this package is deprecated and no longer maintained in favor of the official SegmentedControlIOS component.

A react component to implement radio buttons-like behaviors: multiple options, only one option can be selected at a given time.

Both the container and option nodes are customizable. Comes with SegmentedControls clone, only more customizable (see below, animations to come).



npm i -S react-native-radio-buttons

Demo app

git clone https://github.com/ArnaudRinquin/react-native-radio-buttons.git
cd react-native-radio-buttons
npm run demo


Here is an extensive overview of the component usage.

import { RadioButtons } from 'react-native-radio-buttons'

// ...

render() {
  const options = [
    "Option 1",
    "Option 2"

  function setSelectedOption(selectedOption){

  function renderOption(option, selected, onSelect, index){
    const style = selected ? { fontWeight: 'bold'} : {};

    return (
      <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={onSelect} key={index}>
        <Text style={style}>{option}</Text>

  function renderContainer(optionNodes){
    return <View>{optionNodes}</View>;

  return (
    <View style={{margin: 20}}>
        options={ options }
        onSelection={ setSelectedOption.bind(this) }
        selectedOption={this.state.selectedOption }
        renderOption={ renderOption }
        renderContainer={ renderContainer }
      <Text>Selected option: {this.state.selectedOption || 'none'}</Text>

Will render this



  • options - [] mandatory array of anything, will be passed to renderOption
  • onSelection - function(selectedOption, selectedIndex){} option selection callback
  • selectedIndex - index the initially selected index, optional.
  • selectedOption - option the initially selected option, optional
  • renderOption - function(option, selected, onSelect, index) should return an option node, default generate <Text> nodes and adds {fontWeight:'bold'} to the selected option.
  • renderContainer - function(optionsNodes) must render the container, default is RadioButtons.renderVerticalContainer (see below)
  • optionStyle - optional styles to be applied to the <Text> elements of the options themselves.
  • optionContainerStyle - optional styles to be applied to the the <View> that contain the options.
  • testOptionEqual- function(selectedOption, currentOption){} optional compares and returns bool.

Full JavaScript SegmentedControls clone

This library comes with a clone of the native SegmentedControls, based on RadioButtons.

import { SegmentedControls } from 'react-native-radio-buttons'

// ...

  options={ options }
  onSelection={ setSelectedOption.bind(this) }
  selectedOption={ this.state.selectedOption }

You override all the defaults through the props.

  selectedTint= {'white'}
  backTint= {'#1e2126'}
  options={ options }
  allowFontScaling={ false } // default: true
  onSelection={ setSelectedOption.bind(this) }
  selectedOption={ this.state.selectedOption }
  optionStyle={{fontFamily: 'AvenirNext-Medium'}}
  optionContainerStyle={{flex: 1}}

Here is the list of the props you might override:

const IOS_BLUE = '#007AFF';
const IOS_WHITE = '#ffffff';

const DEFAULTS = {
  direction: 'row',

  tint: IOS_BLUE,
  backTint: IOS_WHITE,

  paddingTop: 5,
  paddingBottom: 5,
  textAlign: 'center',

  selectedTint: IOS_WHITE,
  selectedBackgroundColor: IOS_WHITE,

  separatorTint: IOS_BLUE,
  separatorWidth: 1,

  containerBorderTint: IOS_BLUE,
  containerBorderWidth: 1,
  containerBorderRadius: 5,


You can also specify containerStyle, optionContainerStyle, and optionStyle to use any style you want:

  • containerStyle - optional styles to be applied to the outermost <View> component.
  • optionStyle - optional styles to be applied to the <Text> elements of the options themselves.
  • optionContainerStyle - optional styles to be applied to the the <View> that contain the options.

You can also specify how to extract the labels from the options through the extractText prop.

options = [
    label: 'Option 1',
    value: 'opt1'
    label: 'Option 2',
    value: 'opt2'

  options={ options }
  onSelection={ setSelectedOption.bind(this) }
  selectedOption={ this.state.selectedOption }
  extractText={ (option) => option.label }

If you decide to declare options as an array of objects, do also include a testOptionEqual prop for customized equality checking, otherwise changing selectedOption programmatically would not update the UI correctly.

With the above options, you'll need testOptionEqual to be as follows in order for selectedOption to display correctly.

    options={ options }
    onSelection={ setSelectedOption.bind(this) }
    selectedOption={ this.state.selectedOption }
    extractText={ (option) => option.label }
    testOptionEqual={(selectedValue, option) => selectedValue === option.value}

Moreover, you can even specify the whole renderOption() function:

  // ...
  renderOption={(option, selected) => {
    return (
      // ...render stuff



A super simple renderContainer function that generates a with {flexDirection: "column"}. It is used as default renderContainer if you don't specify it.


  options={ options }
  onSelection={ setSelectedOption }


Another super simple renderContainer function that generates a with {flexDirection: "row"}


  options={ options }
  onSelection={ setSelectedOption }


An helper that generates a simple <View> with the provided style.


  options={ options }
  onSelection={ setSelectedOption }
    backgroundColor: '#f80046',
    flexDirection: 'row',
    justifyContent: 'space-around',

RadioButtons.getTextOptionRenderer(normalStyle, selectedStyle, extractText);

An helper that generates <Text> options wrapped in <TouchableWithoutFeedback>. normalStyle and selectedStyle will be applied to the nodes, depending on state. extractText(options) can be specified.


const normalStyle = {
  color: 'white'

const selectedStyle = {
  color: '#f80046',
  fontWeight: 'bold'

const extractText = (option) => option.label;

  options={ options }
  onSelection={ setSelectedOption }
  renderOptions={RadioButtons.getTextOptionRenderer(normalStyle, selectedStyle, extractText)}