
A Java command-line program that determines if a post on /r/eli5 is readable by a 5-year-old

Primary LanguageJava



This project was created for CIS 365 Artificial Intelligence at Grand Valley State University by Jaxon Wright and Zack Patterson. The project scrapes posts on the eli5 (Explain Like I'm Five) subreddit on Reddit. The goal is to take the user's query and determine the reading level of the highest-rated comments and presents it to the user, so that they can make informed decisions about threads based on how easy the explanations are to understand.


Here is what the program looks like. Formatted pretty nicely for a terminal program, eh?


Use It

Follow these steps to use the program:


  1. Download the eli5.zip
  2. Extract the file
  3. open run.bat


  1. Download the eli5.zip
  2. Extract the file
  3. enter "java -jar [path to jar]" in terminal

Yes, it runs in the command line. Deal with it.


regular search

[search terms]

sort the results (default is relevance)

-sort [hot, top, new] [search terms]

limit the max amount of results

-maxcount [#] [search terms]

sort and limit max amout of results

-sort [hot, top, new] -maxcount [#] [search terms]

display commands


3rd Party Libraries Used