
API project that utilizes a re-usable library for accessing Azure blob storage

Primary LanguageC#


DotNetCore API project that allows Azure storage management


  • Implement Mediator Pattern - Utilize MediatR (https://github.com/jbogard/MediatR)
  • Cleanup | Remove uncommented code | Implement swagger (home page improvements)
  • User secret | Store API connection string on dev machine(s) to prevent revealing active api key(s).
  • Config injection (connection string) | Authorise API calls when connection string is valid
  • Implement Rate limiting


  • Add public access type enum as visible field for blob containers
  • Implement Delete logic for Blob Containers.
  • BlobContainer Unit Tests
  • Create todo items for BlobBlock's


  • Create todo items for this list
  • Implement queue management feature


  • Create todo items for this list
  • Implement files management feature


  • Create cloud table
  • Delete cloud table
  • CRUD operation for generic table records