
Configuration of terminal enviroment with ansible playbook

Primary LanguageShell


Configuration of terminal environment with ansible playbook.

The configuration contains very basic setup with:

Inspired also by:


The ansible script performs package installations. The user under which you execute the script needs to be in sudoers.


sudo dnf install git ansible


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git ansible


git clone https://github.com/jazik/termenv.git
cd termenv
ansible-playbook -i hosts --ask-become-pass termenv.yml


All the roles are run by default. If you wish to install only some of the roles or skip some roles, use ansible tags, which are defined in termenv.yml.

For example to skip tmux run:

ansible-playbook -i hosts termenv.yml --skip-tags tmux

Or to install only tmux run:

ansible-playbook -i hosts termenv.yml --tags tmux

Sample screen shots

Zsh command line


Testing playbooks


If you would like to see how the environment looks or you would like to experiment with the configuration, there is a Dockerfile in the project repo to create the environment quickly:

For environment on Fedora:

docker build -t termenv . --build-arg DISTRO=fedora

Or for Ubuntu:

docker build -t termenv . --build-arg DISTRO=ubuntu

Then run the container:

docker run --rm -it termenv

The playbooks are cloned from Github main.

With Vagrant

In order to run local tests install vagrant with both libvirt and VirtualBox providers. Check your host system distro guidelines how to install those.

To test the playbook and configuration there is Vagrantfile with two predefined configurations. One for fedora and one for ubuntu. There are also couple of custom options to run local tests or to have envs for manual testing.

vagrant [--local=no|yes] [--do-install=yes|no] <command> [fedora|ubuntu]

   Run playbook from Github (no, default) or from local current
   directory (yes)

   Install dependencies and run playbook (yes, default) or skip
   installation (no) and just start machine for manual testing

   vagrant commands such as up, destroy, ssh etc

   Linux distro to deploy, if none is selected both are created

For example to run playbook for fedora from local repo:

vagrant --local=yes up fedora
vagrant ssh fedora
vagrant destroy fedora

The tests are not automated, nothing is really checked after playbook is executed. But provisioning of machine will fail if playbook fails. The configuration have to be then checked manually by ssh-ing to the machine and looking around.