
  • 💻This is made for some stuff everyone wants in their bot.
  • 😩I made it in a single file cause many people can get what it is.
  • 🤝Feel free to fork it and send pull requests
  • ⭕Please follow me if you found this helpful.
  • 📑For support join the discord server

Features and Commands

  • Welcome message
  • Leave message
  • Help Command
  • Hello , ping (test commands)
  • Clear
  • Nuke
  • Support
  • Warn
  • WarnCount
  • Mute (with tempmute)
  • Unmute
  • Kick
  • Ban
  • Unban
  • Lock Channel
  • Unlock Channel
  • Slowmode
  • Serverinfo ,Userinfo
  • Addrole , Removerole
  • Poll
  • Say
  • Avatar