
Javascript Test for new recruits

MIT LicenseMIT

Interview Questions

Imagine you have been tasked by the Account Manager to create a basic reporting application that will allow the account manager to view complaints via a online portal. The company already has an internal json rest api that stores all the complaints that the business has recieved and the number of corresponding sales in that period.

The internal json rest api can be hosted locally using the following commands:

$ npm install -g json-server

$ json-server --watch db.json

1. Develop a basic reporting portal using any frameworks you see fit for purpose.

Example Reporting Porta

2. Allow the ability for the user to toggle Quarter and Month consolidation.

For example:

Month CPMU
01 January 2012 5.47388874
01 February 2012 57.65682657
01 March 2012 12.12591551
01 May 2012 67.77995238
01 June 2012 93.67857009

Should be displayed as:

Quarter CPMU
1 7.186971458
2 82.6888992

3. Within the report there are missing months when data are not available, these days should be displayed as 0.

For example:

Month Amounts
01 February 2012 57.65682657
01 March 2012 12.12591551
01 May 2012 67.77995238
01 June 2012 93.67857009

Should be displayed as:

Month Amounts
01 February 2012 57.65682657
01 March 2012 12.12591551
01 April 2012 0.00000
01 June 2012 93.67857009
01 July 2012 57.29516406

The Test

Hopefully, completing the test itself shouldn’t be too difficult to complete, but what we are looking for here is you approach the project, the tests put in place, the structure of the code etc… You should approach this as if it were part of much bigger interconnected project. There are no prizes for finishing quickly.