
  1. Find main area of the image

    • Greyscale / coloration
  2. Divide into quadrants

  3. Average fat content for each quadrant

    • Weight vector?
  4. Average all quadrants (what % avg = what score)

Pseudocode for getting training data:

Vars to keep a running count of each steak type so we can average at the end
totalSelect = 0
totalPrime = 0
Vars to store final avg for each type of steak
avgSelect% = 0
avgPrime% = 0

for i in len(training photos): 
     -convert current image to black and white for simplicity
     -identify the main part of the streak from the background / outer fat
     -divide the main part into quadrants or more sections
     totalFat = 0
     finalFat = 0
     for j in len(quadrants):
          -calculate fat by % of white vs black pixels
          totalFat += fat% calculated
     finalFat = totalFat / len(quadrants)    # Find final fat % of the current steak by averaging all sections
     - find what steak type this was from the spreadsheet and add its avg to running average per steak type.



  1. OpenCV: image processing, grayscaling, analysis

  2. Image aggregation (analysis of multiple segments): NumPy, Pandas, XGBoost (boosted tree modeling) ...