# Speed_Tests

This project contains all the necessary code to test
multiple functions and compare how long they run.

My philosophy for testing is that if it takes
less than a second it is not a meaningfull test.

So for functions that don't take long just add one more
zeros at the end of the maxLoopCount variable until the
times are inline with a reasonable testing time.

Once you have your testing times set you can run this
and see the results. 

Test : Start    : Stop     : Durations
0004 : 05:11:20 : 05:11:48 : 000:000:00:00:28
0005 : 05:11:48 : 05:12:31 : 000:000:00:00:43
0006 : 05:12:31 : 05:13:10 : 000:000:00:00:39

If your wondering why start with test 4?
Tests 1,2, and 3 were way slower than 4, 5, and 6,
and I was still tweaking the code for 4, 5, and 6.
So I commented out tests 1, 2, and 3.