
List of projects

  1. Obstacle avoiding bot:
    • The bot was made using ultrasonic sensor(HC SR04).
    • The motors used were of 200 rpm and were controlled using L293D
    • The threshold set for stopping distance was 17 Cm
  2. LED Strip hologram
  3. Gesture controlled Flappy Bird:
    • Modules Used opencv ,pygame,mediapipe
    • Hand detection using mediapipe
    • Flappy control using the distance between the fingers
  4. Age and Gender prediction:
    • Modules: OpenCV
    • Face detection
    • Detected Face passed to Age and Gender Models which predict the same
    • Predection is shown on the Camera Feed
  5. Gyroscope:
    • Applications and details along with live feedback of MPU6050 Gyroscope Accelerometer
  6. Drone
  7. RC plane