
AWS Lambda layer with pre-compiled pygit2/libgit2 and ed25519 support.

Primary LanguageDockerfile


AWS Lambda layer with pre-compiled pygit2/libgit2 and ed25519 support.

Build instructions:

git clone https://github.com/JayDoubleu/aws-lambda-layer-pygit2-ed25519
cd aws-lambda-layer-pygit2-ed25519

master branch defaults to python3.7. If you require python2.7 or 3.6 run:

git checkout python2.7 or python3.6


docker build  -t pygit2-lambda-layer .
docker run -v $(pwd):/tmp/lambda_layer_ready -it pygit2-lambda-layer sh copy_zip.sh

You should see pygit2_lambda_layer.zip in your current directory

Publish layer with:

 aws lambda publish-layer-version --layer-name pygit2_lambda_layer --zip-file fileb://pygit2_lambda_layer.zip

To import pygit2 in lambda you need to import libraries first as shown in example below:

import pygit2_libs
import pygit2

If you don't want to build it yourself you can grab zip file from releases.