To be renamed to chipStar-nvcc or something
This implements nvcc and some of the CUDA toolkit using chipStar.
- nvcc tries to mimic the original tool (NVIDIA docs
- Some libraries are stubbed
Everything is extremly hacky.
Install chipstar into tmp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/chipstar-cuda-install/
make install
Set up your CMake (temporary step, should be gone soon)
Use it like this:
Add this before the CMake LANGUAGES CUDA
Link against CHIP:
link_directories(cudatest PUBLIC /tmp/chipstar-install/lib/)
link_libraries(cudatest PUBLIC CHIP)
Configure the build
In the cuda-cmake sample build directory:
rm CMakeCache.txt
rm -f /tmp/cuda-log.txt && LDFLAGS="-L/tmp/chipstar-cuda-install/" PATH=/tmp/chipstar-cuda-install/bin:$PATH cmake .. ; cat /tmp/cuda-log.txt
make; cat /tmp/cuda-log.txt
__syncthreads_count {
// Init counter to 0
__shared__ int count;
if (thread_rank == 0) {
count = 0;
// Add each thread
atomicAdd(count, predicate != 0)
// Check the total count
return count;
##FIXME: Most of the includes in include/ should be taken from cuspv