
Extend Sublime/Emmet's functionality with these useful Emmet shortcuts (abbreviations).


works badge Extend Sublime/Emmet's functionality with these useful Emmet shortcuts (abbreviations).

How to install

In Sublime, select Preferences > Package Settings > Emmet > Settings - User and paste the contents of Emmet.sublime-settings in there. Or alternatively overwrite your ~/⁨Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3⁩/⁨Packages/User/Emmet.sublime-settings file with this one.

How to use

After installing simply type any of the below abbreviation triggers and press tab



An improvement over the standard img trigger. Includes Chrome's native lazy loading, width, and height attributes. Far more useful than the default img trigger.

img[loading='lazy' width='256px' height='256px' src='https://placehold.it/256/jpg?text=JPG+256']


Insert a picture element with multiple placeholder sources. Far more useful than the default picture trigger.

picture>source[type='image/webp' srcset='https://placehold.it/256/webp' media='(min-width: $@100px)']*3+imglazy


Insert a placeholder .webp image (with jpg fallback) using the picture element.

picture>source[type='image/webp' srcset='https://placehold.it/256/webp']+source[type='image/jpg' srcset='https://placehold.it/256/jpg']+imglazy


Instant embed code for Paul Irish's Lite YouTube Embed

c{LITE YOUTUBE EMBED - SEE: https://github.com/paulirish/lite-youtube-embed}+link[rel='stylesheet' href='node_modules/lite-youtube-embed/src/lite-yt-embed.css']+script[src='node_modules/lite-youtube-embed/src/lite-yt-embed.js']+lite-youtube[videoid='ogfYd705cRs']

Bootstrap Shortcuts

Misc. bootstrap snippets have been included to make page building a task that takes seconds instead of minutes.


  • b4-boilerplate
  • b4-container
  • b4-jumbotron
  • br-cols3

Shout out

Hat tip to @OdatNurd for guiding me towards figuring out how to modify default autocompletion behavior.