
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Video Summarization Tool

Website cv.lbesson.qc.to license made-with-python

Too worked up to watch that speech Sundar Pichai gave at Google I/O 2018, or that TED Talk on Procrastination, but still wanna watch it anyway? Wish there was some way of getting through the whole thing without actually watching the whole video? Gistly does it for you! All we ask for is a YouTube URL and we'll do the rest.


  • Video Summarization to get a condensed version of the video.


  • Text Summary
  • Personal Profile
  • Bookmark
  • Translated Summary
  • Customized length of summary video


  • Change UI
  • Fix for it work for all YouTube links
  • requirements.txt, config.py, package, contributing
  • deploy

File Structure


  • minify.py : Source code for the algorithm
  • server.py : Flask Server
  • templates : Web Source Code


We're are open to enhancements & bug-fixes 😄




  • This repository / project was a part of Hack in the North

  • Gistly held the 5th position in the 7 winners at HINT3.0 out of the 60 teams from all over India