Vuforia Marker Generator

This project is based on the project by Dario Mazzanti. It generates images for the vuforia marker tracking system that are always rated with 5 stars.


This js code is written with node js. In order to execute the files you have to setup a node project first and install the following libraries through npm:

npm i fs canvas jimp

Also make sure that you've added a folder called images to the root path of the project. Then execute the main.js file via nodejs:

node main.js

You can find your generated marker now in the images folder.


  • Vuforia only accepts 24 Bit images where the alpha channel is removed. This project does this alpha channel removal automatically.
  • If you want to change the used colors pallettes, you can simply adjust the used color array
  • Use the printed width from the console as the marker width in the online vuforia marker settings