
Adobe Analytics Automation Testing with Playwright

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Reliability Automation Testing with Playwright

An example project demonstrating adome analytics test automation using playwright with Intercept/Mock

Test Cases

#### Test Case: TC_01_adobe_analytics.test.js
/* Scenario: Capture adobe analytics tracking on clicking on Mobile > Overview tab

Scenario Description: 
Navigate to Overview page. Click on Mobile > Overview and capture the 
Adobe analytics events fired.

Test Steps:
1.	Navigate to https://www.xfinity.com/overview
2.	Hover to the Mobile tab and click on Overview option
3.	Perform playwright route and fulfill request and get the responses from Mobile Tab URI's
4.	Verify the adobe events fired on clicking the Mobile > Overview tab
5.	Assert the adobe events data and validate the Request Url and Response Url having 'b/ss' tag

Application Under Test

We are using https://www.xfinity.com/overview as the Application Under Test.


Install the dependencies and devDependencies to run the test.

  • Clone (OR) Download this repo as zip folder on to your local machine
  • Navigate to project's directory on terminal and run the following commands:

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/JayKishoreDuvvuri/Playwright-Adobe-Analytics-Testing.git

Install dependencies

npm install
npx playwright install

Run application

Run test

npm run test - Runs test case on chrome browser

Playwright Test Report

Html-test-report :
npm run test:report

GitLab Repo

git clone https://gitlab.com/jaykishore96/playwright-adobe-analytics-testin.git

GitLab Pipeline
