
Playwright test runner with JavaScript used Playwright version 1.16

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Playwright Test Runner JavaScript

Design Page Objects and run Tests with JavaScript

Run application

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/JayKishoreDuvvuri/Playwright-Test-Runner-JavaScript.git 

Install dependencies

npm install
npx playwright install

Run test

npm run test - For all browsers including Android and iOS tests
npm run test:chrome - For tests only on chrome browser
npm run test:mobile - For running mobile emulation tests on android and iOS

Folder Structure

├── ...
├── pages                               # Generic functionality for tests
│   |
│   ├── basePage.js                     # Base page testing functionality
│   ├── landingPage.js                  # Landing page testing functionality
│   ├── addToCartPage.js                # Add To Cart page testing functionality
│   ├── productPage.js                  # Product page testing functionality
├── tests                               # Test suite
│    ├── addToCart.test.js              # Automated Test Script     
│    ├── productNames.test.js           # Automated Test Script
│    ├── toggleProductColour.test.js    # Automated Test Script
├── pageobjects                       
│    ├──selectors.js                    # HTML and CSS identifier for elements to test
└─── html-test-report                   # Playwright html test report for the tests executed

Playwright Test Report

Html-test-report : npm run html-report


Repo: https://bitbucket.org/jaykishore96/test-automation-playwright/src/ui-test/
Pipelines: https://bitbucket.org/jaykishore96/test-automation-playwright/pipelines/results/page/1