Playwright with Playwright Test Runner

Design Page Objects and run Tests with JavaScript


We have not used { page } fixture in the tests in test block like below 
test('basic test', async ({ page }) => 

That's the reason screenshot and videos are not working and not captured. 
Only Retries option works here.
I have posted the github issues at the bottom of this page. The tests are running fine with generating report and retries option.

Run application

Clone the repository

git clone

Install dependencies

Install Node modules: npm install

Run test

npm test

Folder Structure

├── ...
├── pages                               # Generic functionality for tests
│   |
│   ├── basePage.js                     # Base page testing functionality
│   ├── landingPage.js                  # Landing page testing functionality
│   ├── addToCartPage.js                # Add To Cart page testing functionality
│   ├── productPage.js                  # Product page testing functionality
├── tests                               # Test suite
│    ├── addToCart.test.js              # Automated Test Script     
│    ├── productNames.test.js           # Automated Test Script
│    ├── toggleProductColour.test.js    # Automated Test Script
│── util.js                             # Confiuguration JavSacript File
├── pageobjects                       
│    ├──selectors.js                    # HTML and CSS identifier for elements to test
└─── Allure-test-report                 # Allure Test report for the tests executed

Allure Test Report

Allure-test-report : npm run generate-report

Docker Locally

docker build -t playwright:v1 .
docker run -it playwright:v1   

From Docker Hub

docker pull jaykishoreduvvuri/playwright:v1   
docker run -it jaykishoreduvvuri/playwright:v1  

GitHub issues on Playwright {Page, Context} fixtures