
Playwright with TypeScript for Angular 12 Frontend

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Playwright with TypeScript for Angular Frontend

An example project demonstrating automation of playwright tests using page object design pattern framework.

Application Under Test

We are using https://www.jetblue.com/ as the Application Under Test. This App is an Angular Frontend


User launches the application and fills in data on landing page
to get the search results of flights and navigates back to Landing page

Test Steps:
1. User opens the app and navigates to landing page
2. User fills in the "from" origin, "to" destination places and fills in the departure date
3. User clicks on the search flights button to see the search results
4. User verifies the search page and clicks on search page jetblue logo
5. User navigates back to the landing page

Testname: search.test.ts


Install the dependencies and devDependencies to run the test.

  • Clone (OR) Download this repo as zip folder on to your local machine
  • Navigate to project's directory on terminal and run the following commands:

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/JayKishoreDuvvuri/Playwright-TypeScript-Angular.git

Install dependencies

npm install
npx playwright install

Run application

Run tests on chrome

npm run test:chrome - For test on chrome browser

Run tests on firefox

npm run test:firefox - For test on firefox browser

Run tests in Parallel

npm run test:parallel  - For tests run parallel on chrome and firefox browsers

Playwright Test Report

Test-Report : npm run test:report


Repo: https://bitbucket.org/jaykishore96/playwright-typescript-angular/src/master/
Pipelines: https://bitbucket.org/jaykishore96/playwright-typescript-angular/pipelines/results/page/1